sru:version: 1.2; sru:query: fcs.rf="baedeker.4_318"; fcs:x-context: baedeker.4; fcs:x-dataview: title,full; sru:startRecord: 1; sru:maximumRecords: 10; sru:query: fcs.rf="baedeker.4_318"; sru:baseUrl: ; fcs:returnedRecords: 1; fcs:duration: PT0.016S PT0.021S; fcs:transformedQuery: descendant-or-self::fcs:resourceFragment[ft:query(@resourcefragment-pid,<query><phrase>baedeker.4_318</phrase></query>)];
1 - 1

Final Attack of the First Day, and Battle of the Second Day.
Last Confederate Attack, July 1st.
Copyright Charles Scribner’s Sons Geogr. Anst. v. Wagner & Debes, Leipzig.The first day’s battle is represented north of the Fairfield and Hanover roads.
The second day’s battle south of the same roads.
Union troops Confederate troops.